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Marcin Tabaka

Group Leader in ICTER


Dr. Marcin Tabaka graduated from the Jagiellonian University Faculty of Chemistry in 2004. He obtained a PhD degree at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Science (IPC PAS) in 2009. He worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Mathematical Biology at IPC PAS (2010-2014) and then at the Klarman Cell Observatory headed by Aviv Regev at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA (2014-2019).

He started his career as group leader at the ICTER in September 2020. Dr. Marcin Tabaka is a co-author of 27 scientific papers in high-impact journals, including NatureCell, and PNAS (Google Scholar). His scientific interest focuses on applications of high-throughput single-cell genomics technologies in diverse research areas. He has been involved in studies on cell reprogramming, immunology, and cancer, among others.