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  • Regular conference fee

    Regular registration

    900 PLN
  • Student conference fee

    Regular registration

    600 PLN

**The student conference fee is applicable to students enrolled in undergraduate, Master of PhD programs. To access the reduce fee please contact the local organizing committee via email: crater@ichf.edu.pl and provide proof of your enrollment. Based on this we will modify the registration to include the discount. 

  1. Poster Abstract Submission Deadline
  2. Early Registration Deadline
  3. Registration Deadline

Registration procedure

  • One person can submit one abstract. Each subsequent submission will be treated as an update of the previous one. The latest submission will be treated as the final version.
  • Fill out the registration form. You can access it by clicking here.
  • After completing the registration procedure you will receive on the email confirmation with generated pro forma invoice
  • The pro forma invoice contains information required to send the bank transfer to finalize the registration. We can accept payments only with bank transfer.
  • Please indicate in the bank transfer the pro-forma ID. It will help track the payments and process your registration without delays. Please send the bank transfer up to 14 calendar days after completing the form. Otherwise, your registration will be cancelled. If you need more time – we encourage you to contact us by sending email to crater@ichf.edu.pl
  • After completing the form, you will receive confirmation of submitting the form and confirmation of processing the payment. If you don’t receive it – please contact us with details of the process.
  • We will send you the invoice up to 14 days after receiving your payment. The invoice will be delivered at contact email submitted in the registration form.

Conference fee

Early registration (extended until 9 July 2023)

Regular conference fee – 600 PLN
Student conference fee* – 400 PLN

Registration (until 24 August 2023)

Regular conference fee – 900 PLN
Student conference fee* – 600 PLN


The conference fee includes: access to the conference venue, coffee breaks, lunches, conference reception.
The conference fee does not include: accommodation, transport.

*The student conference fee is applicable to students enrolled in undergraduate, Master of PhD programs. To access the reduce fee, please contact the local organizing committee via email: crater@ichf.edu.pl and provide proof of your enrolment. Based on this request we modify the registration to include the discount. 


Conference fee


For this edition of CRATER 2023 we can accept payments of the conference fee only through a bank transfer in PLN.

Account owner: Instytut Chemii Fizycznej PAN
Account owner address: ul. Kasprzaka 44/52
Bank’s name: Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
IBAN number: PL47 1130 1017 0020 1470 5720 0001
Transfer title: CRATER 2023, please indicate the PRO-FORMA id generated in the registration process


Accomodation & travel grants

Grants for students and early career professionals

We have prepared numbeer of accomodation and travel grantss intended for students, PhD students and post-docs (up to 5 years from PhD defence). However, the priority will be given to students and PhD Students. Please note, that we reserve the right to verify student/PhD student status. The grants are supported by generous sponsors of the CRATER’2023 – Optica and Optopol.

The application will be evaluated in two rounds:
  • On 4 August 2023 we will notify applicants, who submitted their applications before 31 July 2023.
  • On 21 August 2023, we will notify applicants, who submitted their applications before 15 August 2023.
Applications not selected in the first round will be assessed in the second round.


The accommodation grant will help cover the cost of your stay at a Logos Hotel in a TWIN room shared with the other recipient of the grant, from 6 to 9 September 2023.


The grant, in the maximum amount of 400 EUR, will be transferred to your account upon presentation of an airline ticket purchased in your name, on dates corresponding to the dates of the CRATER conference and to the place where the conference is held (Warsaw, Poland). The prerequisite for reimbursement is in-person participation in the event.


Click here to open the application form

Cancellation and refunds

Refunds are possible in the amount of 50% of the sum paid for the cancellations requested before 1 August 2023. After this date the refunds are not possible. To request refunds – please contact us with details of your registration by sending email to crater@ichf.edu.pl

Scam warning

In recent years there have been scam attempts targeted at conference attendees, so we’re warning you preemptively, that:

  • All emails from the Organizing Committee will be sent from @ichf.edu.pl, @candela.org.pl, or @jordan.pl
  • We will be only charging the above mentioned conference fee, no other payments will be asked by the Organizing Committee
  • Accommodation, and transport are not included in the workshop fee, therefore we will not offer booking assistance to the regular participants

Any of the mentioned points may be subject to scam, so we are asking you to stay cautious.


Terms and regulations

Regulation for charing conference fee for CRATER 2023 conference

GDPR – data processing notice for participants of CRATER 2023 conference